Course Designing and Material Development Unit (CDMDU)

The Objective and Mandate

Citizen participatory audit workshop

Citizen Participatory Audit Workshop

The main objective and mandate of the Course Design and Material Development Unit (CD&MDU) is to make Pakistan Audit & Accounts Academy a leading professional research and training public sector institute in the disciplines of Financial Management, Accounting and Auditing by developing new skilled based short courses and updating the existing ones to enhance the capacity of all levels of management in DAGP.

Basic Function

The task of the CD&MDU regarding Course/material development and updating of modules revolves around the following academic areas:

  • Design, Review and Revamping of the existing short courses as a continuous process, in:
    • Auditing
    • Accounting
    • Public sector Financial Management
    • Soft Skills relating to the Human Resource
    • Emerging Areas of Auditing & Accounting

The Course Design Methodology

Following steps are followed for course designing:

  1. Assessment of the requirement of the users
  2. Review feedback from the Short Courses, Trainers and Trainees (If course is conducted earlier)
  3. Review available literature and relevant materials
  4. Listing all the domains related to a course
  5. Identifying the required knowledge/skill sets (hard & soft) to be targeted in each session
  6. Development of course contents based on in-house research or course material gathered from other sources
  7. Development of exercises/Case studies


The achievements of the CD&MDU include the following:

Development/Designing of On-demand Courses/Workshops

Citizen participatory audit workshop

Citizen Participatory Audit Workshop

  1.  Audit of Internal Controls for ECOSAI
  2. Forensic Audit
  3. Audit of Fraud & Corruption For NAB
  4. How to conduct inquiry proceeding and performance evaluation reports
  5. Induction course for Senior Auditors/Inducted Officer
  6. Workshop on QMF
  7. Suitable titles for audit Paras
  8. Audit of Mega/PSDP projects
  9. Oil & Gas sector Audit & Change Management
  10. Anti-Money Laundering
  11. Audit of Establishment Charges
  12. Assets Management & Assets register Management
  13. Pension audit
  14. Project Management
  15. Office Management
  16. Service delivery to common man
  17. Auditing water resources
  18. Foreign Aided Projects

Courses Designed, Approved and Delivered to SC-Wing as per ATP

  1.  Communication skills
  2. Audit of Internal controls
  3. Crash/intensive program for skill development of officials (Naib Qaisd)
  4. Course for DDO’S
  5. Stress Management
  6. Forensic Audit
  7. Analysis of financial statements
  8. Official Correspondence & Report writing
  9. Audit of fraud & corruption
  10. Procurement under PPRA
  11. Budgeting under MTBF
  12. Code of Ethics
  13. Audit of banks
  14. Conflict management/ Negotiation skills
  15. Audit of Debt management
  16. Risk Based Auditing

 Additional Tasks Completed:

  1.  Designing of CPD (Continued Professional development) document for PA& AS Officers.
  2. Development of DAGP’s Communication Policy.
  3. Review of Concept Paper of Mr. Samar Ahmad, Director Audit on scope for SAI Pakistan in matters involving fight against money laundering.

Development of Case Study and Exercises:

  1. Development of case studies on Conflict Management, Decision Making, FAM, Internal Control, and Forensic Auditing.
  2. Development of case study on QMF
  3. Development of case study on Environment Audit
  4. Development of skilled based Exercises in areas of official correspondence, FAM, NAM, Report writing and multiple soft skills.