A. Development of New Short courses:
1. One week Course on “Budgeting in Pakistan: A Study of Medium Term Budgetary Framework”
2. Two week course on “Environment Audit”.
3. One week course on “Fraud & Corruption in Auditing”.
4. One week Course on “Audit of Subsidies”.
5. One week Course on “Project/ Program Audit”.
6. A research paper on “The role of public sector training institutions in enhancing the capacity of public servants” read in NSPP-Seminar in May 2010.
7. Three days course on “Auditing the Public Private Partnership”
8. Works Audit
9. Orientation Course for NMC, SMC and MCMC nominees.
10. Comprehensive course on basic auditing concepts for Afghanistan Audit Department
B. Probationer Guides for the Tutorial discussion:
Weekly Tutorial discussion is a graded academic activity for the Specialized Training Programme. In order to generate quality discussion among the probationers on a topic, which is always related to accounting or auditing, comprehensive reading material called Probationer’s Guide is prepared and handed over to the probationers well before tutorial schedule. Some of the topics include:
1. Office Filing system
2. Public Procurement Rules.
3. Preparation of Vouchers, Payment procedures and Cash Book
4. Research Methodology for Individual Research Papers
5. ISSAIs Level-1
6. ISSAIs Level-2
7. ISSAIs Level-3
8. ISSAIs. Level -4.
9. Financial Reporting Under the Cash Basis of Accounting (IPSAS)
C. Write-up for the Simulation Exercise
Write-up for the first Simulation Exercise on the topic “State of education in Pakistan” for three Research and Analysis Groups and a Syndicate was prepared. The exercise was held during October, 2012. More Simulation Exercises are in the process of being designed.
D. Re-vamping of Short Courses:
The Short courses are reviewed and re-vamped in accordance with a laid down schedule. The amendments in the contents of the courses are finalized in a faculty meeting after thorough discussion. Following six Short Courses have been reviewed and updated:
1. Medium Term Budgetary Framework
2. Report Writing Skills
3. SAP R/3 (FI- Transactional Data)
4. MS Office 2007
5. SAP R/3 (HR-GPF & Pension)
6. Environment Auditing